FANZ in the Wild | Ep. V - "Ledger Hedger: Sports Betting in the FanChain Ecosystem"
FANZ in the Wild In the FanChain ecosystem, the people are represented by two separate yet equally important groups: the Mints, who stamp and distribute the tokens, and the fanz, who put them to use. These are their stories. IN THIS EPISODE Ledger Hedger: Sports Betting in the FanChain Ecosystem Dig if you will the picture: You get a notification from your go-to sports betting application that a has posted a bet that he thinks your favorite team is going to lose by 4 points tonight, and he is willing to wager 1,000 FanChain tokens that he’s right. The poster of the bet could be in Beijing, he could be in Rio or in London or New York. (Part of the beauty of a unified and decentralized system is that there is no requirement to cross regulatory or conversional barriers.) Accepting the bet is as simple as clicking Accept, as your FanWallet is linked to your account. At this point the participants in the bet have 1,000 FanChain tokens staked, ostensibly locked in e...