
FANZ in the Wild | Ep. V - "Ledger Hedger: Sports Betting in the FanChain Ecosystem"

FANZ in the Wild In the FanChain ecosystem, the people are represented by two separate yet equally important groups: the Mints, who stamp and distribute the tokens, and the fanz, who put them to use. These are their stories. IN THIS EPISODE Ledger Hedger: Sports Betting in the FanChain Ecosystem Dig if you will the picture: You get a notification from your go-to sports betting application that a has posted a bet that he thinks your favorite team is going to lose by 4 points tonight, and he is willing to wager 1,000 FanChain tokens that he’s right. The poster of the bet could be in Beijing, he could be in Rio or in London or New York. (Part of the beauty of a unified and decentralized system is that there is no requirement to cross regulatory or conversional barriers.) Accepting the bet is as simple as clicking Accept, as your FanWallet is linked to your account. At this point the participants in the bet have 1,000 FanChain tokens staked, ostensibly locked in e...

FANZ in the Wild | Ep. IV - "Teams Grow Beyond Their Roots with FanChain"

FANZ in the Wild In the FanChain ecosystem, the people are represented by two separate yet equally important groups: the Mints, who stamp and distribute the tokens, and the fanz, who put them to use. These are their stories. IN THIS EPISODE Teams Grow Beyond Their Roots with FanChain A great franchise in a small market can never truly compete with a bad franchise in a large market, not insofar as value is concerned anyway. A Forbes report from 2016 elegantly displays the disparity in team valuations in the NBA as being an irreversible product of a team’s location. [i] Even when the Cleveland Cavaliers retain the playing right of one of the most famous people on earth they nonetheless operate in a different economic league than do the New York Knicks. But what if the Cavaliers’ footprint extended far beyond its city limits? A decentralized and immutable currency would enable them, as well as countless other mid-and-small-market teams, from the obscure corners o...

FANZ in the Wild | Ep. III - "Staking FANZ Replaces Sneaky, Out-Dated Fiat-based Subscription Models"

FANZ in the Wild In the FanChain ecosystem, the people are represented by two separate yet equally important groups: the Mints, who stamp and distribute the tokens, and the fanz, who put them to use. These are their stories. IN THIS EPISODE Staking FANZ Replaces Sneaky, Out-Dated Fiat-based Subscription Models This is a true story. My wife recently got accepted to graduate school. Included in her education are discounts to platforms like Amazon, Hulu, Spotify and, auspiciously for us, a cacophony of other content providers and streaming services. This prompted me to cancel all of my subscriptions so that we could save cash by utilizing her discounts. What seemed simple enough turned into an anxiety storm. Admitting to my wife that I was, essentially, throwing over $200 a month away was not exactly the sort of picture of myself I wanted to paint. I consider life to be a series of transitions from stupidity to clarity, but at my age such a confession could only se...